Citizen Engagement App

Citizen Engagement is a Vital Branch in the Development of SILVANUS Platform

The SILVANUS Citizen Engagement App is the mobile application designed to empower citizens and provide them with the right tools to become crucial actors in Forest Fire Management.

The Citizen Engagement App aims to cover all three Phases of the SILVANUS Project, by providing a holistic toolkit for Citizen Preparation, Response and Recovery through interactive educational and situational awareness modules. The goal is to ensure that our users will always be informed, prepared and connected during fire incidents.

Features of the app include educational resources, such as tips, quizzes and comprehensive guidelines on personal safety, protection and safekeeping the wellbeing of the community and the environment.

A key component of the app is the interactive map, where fire incidents may be reported with descriptions and optional photos. Therefore, citizens are active contributors to the platform, and in line with SILVANUS and its goals, have the potential to assume a key role in wildfire management.

In the future, as the platform reaches its final development stages, these reports will be forwarded to proper authorities.

Join the SILVANUS app – the modern and innovative protector in the fight against extreme wildfire, for the benefit of forests and humankind. Available at Google Play and App Store.